A game wherein a group of people take turns bringing up "Random Words" on urbandictionary.com. If your random word describes a perverse sex act, you're out. Winner is the last one remaining. Can also be played as a drinking game.
We were playing Urban Dictionary Roulette, and it was down to me and Tom - but then I got "Dirty Sanchez" and it was all over.
that annoying button that appears below almost every definition. when you click on it, it will bring you to a page where you can pay to promote your website.
ADVERTISE YOUR WEB SITE ON URBAN DICTIONARY IN JUST 3 CLICKS is the most retarded sentence ever invented
I am skizzle in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
I am skizzle in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
An amazing guy who works hard being a dictionary, good job!
Sike, it must be sad being you.
This dude is a Webster dictionary chan, i feel bad for the little guy!
1. Sex jokes
2. Editors never add your definitions (KEEP OUT!)
3. Names
4. Bad gramnar
urban dictionary in a nutshell
1. Cookie
A womans pussy
2. Loan
An act of borrowing money (KEEP OUT!)
3. Paul
A smartest person you would ever meet... (add it)
4. Pussy
Wher yu suppuse to put yo dic in