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Like fishing

Posting something with “If this gets ____ likes I’ll post (something better)!”

Example of like fishing: If this post gets 300 likes I’ll post a selfie!

by EmmyCat328 November 6, 2019


(verb): when you lead someone to believe that you thoroughly enjoy traveling in order to develop a romantic relationship

I travel-fished my wife by taking her on a trip to Colorado in the first few months of meeting her but now only leave the house for work, gym or church.

by jleeactive April 2, 2024

Fish In a Tube

Fish in a tube is a meme that expresses the mind of an 8th grader.


by salpaka September 21, 2020

fish farming

1. To go out on the town, specifically targeting venues that are high in the fem-population.

2. To go on the prowl for apt smash targets.

Timothy and Bobbert are planning on going fish farming tonight, as neither of them have been sexually fulfilled in the past two days.

Fish farming is best when done at night, especially when a full moon is present and the astrolofish are out and about.

by The change machine June 18, 2014


**Clout Fish**: A term used to describe individuals who deliberately manipulate their online persona or relationships to gain social status, influence, or attention, often by pretending to be someone they are not or exaggerating their connections to popular figures. Unlike "catfishing," which involves romantic deception, a "clout fish" focuses on leveraging social media interactions and appearances to enhance their perceived value or relevance, often leading to inauthentic relationships and interactions driven by the pursuit of clout.

“Amelia loves fishing. Her favourite catch is a clout-fish. Shes always out there cloutfishing, casting her net for anyone who can get her side of stage.”

by You can’t sit with us January 12, 2025

Fat fishing

When you upload or share pictures on the internet while hiding the fact that you are fat. Taking pictures from the neck up because you are overweight or taking pictures hiding the "pooch" with a purse or handbag, or any object including other people. Taking pictures sideways because your are overweight and uploading on social media. Basically any attempt to hide being over weight via pictures. Using slimmer pictures or avatars of yourself than you are as a socila media profile picture.

All her pictures are from the neck up, she's probably fat fishing.

She only take pictures with her purse covering her stomach, shes probably fat fishing.
I saw her pictures and thought she was slim, but when we met she was fat and said those were her older pictures, I got fat fished.

by spitts mcman October 2, 2023

Cool fish

Refers to Chitranshu Behra usually but also means the one whos sensitive sometimes but dosnt care a lot .

Like, she's a cool fish means she's good but she dosnt care much.
Instagram : chitranshu.behra

by December 10, 2020