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rascist son of a bitch. Fuck that guy

Fuck Trump

by divertido casi January 26, 2017


NOUN; a person, place, or thing that retains an sense of incredible or elite status of douche bag; or doucheness.
Adj: (trumped,trumpy,trump) expressing deep attribution for ones ability to be a complete sleezy douched out scum bag, that lies to get what he wants.(used car salesman syndrome).
Verb: (trumping, trumpize, trumping) a low moral act of lying and trying to weasel your way out of something in a slimy disgusting way by manipulating and then turning on people that idolize you.

Noun; look! There’s a giant disgusting TRUMP over their trying to sell a broken iPhone to that innocent guy.

Adj; 911?! there’s a crazed TRUMPED-OUT naked man waving a gun around in my garage high on pcp!

Verb; you must think I’m some sort of trump when you tell me your not trumping around on me when I just caught you with this trump trumping on the bed all trumped out on meth and viagra! Now I’m trumpized u harlot!!!

by Coreykorea January 14, 2021


more commonly known as “shit” trump is the 45th president of the usa, who also is a piece of shit who can burn in hell with other pieces of shit 🤠

“did you hear what happened with trump? he got kicked out

by f1zzy March 1, 2021


A jerk that is racist and sucks at being the president

Trump is the worst

by Reaper kid December 2, 2020


let me tell you, there has never been a greater president than Donald J. Trump. I am smart, I am rich, and I am incredibly good looking—some would say, handsome. I'm a stable genius, a deal-maker, and a true leader, unlike any this country has ever seen.

I alone fixed our broken borders and brought back law and order. I appointed the best people—real winners—to the Supreme Court, and they will protect our God-given rights and freedoms for generations to come.

When I was in office, we had the best economy in the world—maybe ever. Jobs were pouring back into our great country, and we became energy independent for the first time in decades. I unleashed the full potential of America's might, and we became a force to be reckoned with once again.

I stood up to our enemies and gave our friends the respect they deserved. I negotiated historic deals with North Korea, recognizing their sovereignty while ensuring the safety of the American people and our allies. I took out the world's top terrorists, including the ruthless killer, Soleimani, and the despicable, animal-like leader of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi.

While the radical left and their fake news media try to undermine my achievements, the facts speak for themselves. I delivered on my promises and made America great again. So, my friends, get ready, because we're just getting started.

Together, we will drain the swamp, take down the deep state, and keep America great!

God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!

dumb kamala: woke woke woke!
great trump: make america great again

by aRandomDudeWasTaken August 16, 2024



Trump is god

by AA1231241512312 September 29, 2017


a giant sack of shit

donald trump ate my ass WOOOOOOOOOOOO

by diefjweoijfwefejwifwjef July 28, 2021