slang mainly used in the pacific northwest excluding california ( oregon, washington) meaning a males genitals.
tom: i fouled manning by hitting him in his dog n' tots.
justin: oh not his dog n' tots
When one bakes... then sprays... (does drugs, then uses air freshener on nearby trash cans). This is a new charity... Febrezing the trash cans. Anyone can participate. It is a tax write off.
"Yo, what are you doing?", as a man sprays febreze on a trash can in a park.
"Im trying out this new Bake 'N Spray thing yo"
The act of putting many buckets of cum onto a tarp and using it as a slip N slide for your whole family.
What do you have planned for the party?
I've got a serious dick N slide ready.
Just a random channel name,
mainly full form of word " TNT "
A crew/group of creators making content on youtube Instagram etc called as TNT CREW .
Basically Tiks N Taks is full form of word "TNT"
which is a content creators crew/group name!
Tiks N Taks is a crew/group of creators making content on youtube & Instagram!
A women twists on your penis knob with her mouth and farts in your face.
Twist n Shout is similar to Bop-It for adults.
The tickle n’ stroke is a very sexual activity to add to your sex night. This activity has a bit of explaining to do so read the whole definition.
The tickle n’ stroke is when a man begins to bring his hands to a girl’s tits, he will usually do a spider motion starting from the neck all the way down to her chest. The man will then begin to tickle her nipples passionately, this can take a few second for the female to get turned on. Where the stroking part comes in is when the male then begins to stroke the female’s pussy with his erect penis, you should do the tickling and the stroking at the same time for the best effect.
Guy 1: “yo, how was your night.“
Guy 2: “It was amazing, me and my gf did tickle n’ stroke.
a community of people within the Booktok community who are the ones to keep the community alive.
A community of people within the Booktok community who are the ones to keep the community alive and typically through Internet and social media platforms.
I turn to my Booktokaholics (n) for something new and book recommendations.
Being a Booktokaholic (n) isn't such a bad thing It just means I keep up with what's new!