The tin went skrrrr pop ka ka ka skibby skip pop pop
Another nickname for Moonshine.
I'm tired of beer; I'm gonna get me some hillbilly pop so I can be shitfaced in three swallows.
Filthy pop is like a combination of dissonant eclectic music and the simple, pop. It's mainly underground music that you would not expect to hear on the radio.
Filthy pop would be anything you could think of that has the qualities to be pop and at the same time, could also be labled as "weird".
Much of the music in this genre contains samples of industrial music and isolationism. It could also be described as somewhat electroacoustic or "space music"
Popol Vuh, Cluster, Tangerine Dream, World's End Girlfriend, Richard Bone, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Enigma, and Coil are all examples of bands that include filthy pop as one of their stylistic components.
Some movies that have filthy pop songs listed in their soundtracks are A Clockwork Orange, The Elephant Man, Requiem For A Dream, Donnie Darko, Lost in Translation, Zodiac and The Social Network.
The lamest person in a group or gathering of people.
Someone who is lame without a group or gathering of people.
The buggest fucking loser around. Synonymous with fool, stupid, dumb, dumbass, bitch, pussy, bitch ass, bitch ass nigga, etc.
An insult that is fitting for formal, semi-formal, and casual occasions.
Kurts a popped ass wiener.
Your a popped ass wiener.
Who invited the popped ass wiener?
The evolved form of the insult "weenie"
Kurtis is a popped ass wiener.
I pop bottle that looks and feels like a big dick
I found a shitty Pop cock
To actually notice something or care about something
Bro you know I pop a can for you