Used in the first “Deadpool” movie..just before he cuts off his hand to escape and flip of colossus lol basically it doesn’t matter cause ain’t no “god” listening or watching so yolo.. God is a child with football field size ant-farm.. and where deep in the cavern system gents
Do it or don’t.. it’s not like you’d be struck by lightning or turned it to salt.. like Are you there God? It's me, Margaret
A toke god man or woman of absolute class. Lacking the skill or talent to play a real position, these marijuana addicted fellows often play goalie if not bench, if they are a hockey player. As for the toke aspect of these fine individuals, they often use so much weed that they snap group chats looking high as shit, usually be pointed out for their likeness to someone who has recently been crying. Overall these folks generally go to stillwater high school as softmores, are absolute bums.
Wow that girl stank. She must be a Toke God
God's Plan stands for any successful strategies for winning a basketball game
Drake has a God's Plan.
KD is afraid of the God's Plan so he get injured
The Boonk God is one who Fully Boonks all the time. The Boonk God does not Half send. The first “OG” Boonk God was Alex Dudziak.
Regular person~ How does one simply become a Boonk God?
Boonk God~ Ond does not simply become the Boonk God.
Well, if I was using your logic I would say "God's not doing what I want and said a thing I don't like so it gets no credit for anything"
Hym "But I'm not going to use your logic... Because I'm a genius and mine is better. So, I'll give unto God what is God's and give it credit for doing what you claim it did 'creating an inferior race of beings to have it's way with for eternity' and 'murdering everyone with space time and monsters and bugs.' There! I gave it the credit it deserves! "
Sauce God is a fat fuck from morrell in Philadelphia played Pokémon go with his best friend dominick loranig and mister molester at Jefferson hospital. He’s going to father judge and is going to sell hardcore drugs to kids at Ramp Playground. He also smells like a thrift store
Have you seen Sauce God? Sauce God got buckets yo. I just licked sauce gods nipples!