Source Code

Joe Burrow

When speaking about the drug lean, it is used as telling how many ounces of lean you may pour. The reason for this is because of Joe Burrows number on his jersey.

Jayquan: I’m trying to get fucked up tonight!

Wocktavius: Let’s pour up a Joe Burrow of that Super Sludge in a fanta.

by vulxey June 24, 2023


dumbass who probably goes to bed at 7pm and is definitely a wikipedia editor and will call you a psychopath or sociopath for doing anything he slightly dislikes

bro i fucking hate Joe-Sleepy-L-2013
yeah ik hes so annoying and a wikipedia editor fr

by omgdes2013 July 15, 2023

Smokey Joes

When you have a threesome with two burn victims.

I had a smokey joes last night with two recovered guys with burns over half their body.

by Lostmedic May 4, 2022

Joe McKnight

Probably the coolest guy in the universe.


Joe Mcknight once beat up Shaq while banging 5 chicks at the same time. What a geezer.

by JoeMachiavelli March 17, 2023

Grandpa joe

Everyones favorite grandpa

Hi grandpa Joe how are you

by az assassin July 25, 2021

Joe mathew

Boy fae lochee with a 2 inch knob

Omg have you seen joe Mathews knob it’s so small

by Welly_2006 May 30, 2022

Joe supreme

The definition of a joe supreme is when you have a friend named joe who shoot milk out of his ass into someones mouth. After the milk shoots in to your mouth spit it in to a cup and smear it all over your ass. Once the milk is on your ass you can let you pet lick it of or just have your trusty friend joe lick it off for you

I gave my friend a joe supreme

by Joes papa April 6, 2021