Kikikatme, similar to the 200 ping god, imaqtkat, decimates decimates any competition despite his occasional high ping. He is the 199 ping god.
Kikikatme's penis is so large. He is indeed the 199 ping god.
Kikikatme, the 199 ping god, decimates any competition despite his high ping.
"That kikikatme sure is a 199 ping god."
"Wtf is a Kikikatme? and wtf is a 199 ping god?"
"A Kikikatme is the sexiest man alive and a 199 ping god decimates his enemies at the high ping of 199. That man is both the sexiest man alive and high dominates at 199 ping."
No beginning and no end what has happen, happened! One must have no heart and give no fucks to reach this level of Sitch.
The Legendary Sitch God has just entered the building quick hide ya girls.
a British saying when in utter shock, confusion or shocked disappointment
if a jumpscare appears in a movie you could shout " GOD STREWTH MAN !"
Approximately 20000000 times more than a metric fuckton
That is a metric mother-of-god ton of money in your bank account...
This child molester once kidnapped 18 children and he left a note saying "your mum gae" you must put "no u " on your story to stop him from raping you in your sleep tonight.
Jeff : $ki ma$K is coming
Fred: don't worry If you put it on your story your ok
Jeff: oh few
$ki ma$K the $lump god is a molester
Jesus was the holy God King but people have their doubts
Yahweh was the Jewish god king
the true god king is associated with the christian god king
peoples similar to the god king were known as Ghandi, the Buddha, and The Dalai Lama