The ultimate expression of condescension, usually it's employed when someone is too cowardly to turn something down directly. It essentially means "No." or "I must decline.", but it sounds wishy-washy and weak. It's used so much because it's way easier than saying "No." and it also for some unknown reason sounds more polite and less blunt.
Guy: Hey do you wanna go out to the restaurant with me?
Woman: (Staring into her phone) Ummmm no thanks I'm good.
An all around physically attractive person(mainly a women) who is fun to be around, doesn’t think they’re the shit, and the kind of girl you’d wanna bring home to meet the folks
Person 1: how was hanging out with Cecilia?
Person 2: Great? She’s hot, funny, and she wasn’t a whore!
Person 1: Wow, she sounds like a good bop!
An all around physically attractive person(mainly a women) of romantic interest who is also a good person, fun to be around, and suitable to be brought home to meet the fokes.
Person 1: Hey how’d it go with Vanessa?
Person 2: Great! She’s really hot, she’s funny and she’s not a whore!
Person 1: Sounds like she’s a good bop
good lesson is a term used in intimate moments good lesson meaning good sex
as meilani edged michael he thought about giving her a "good lesson"
To receive a good value return for a venture.
Boy 1: Oi mate! I just got myself a new mobile.
Boy 2: Ah wicked, that's a good earn!
to get your happy going your feel good
wake up now and get your good boogly woogly on and have a great day