its kinda a bitch but bitches take money to sex with someone and its mostly about sex and money trading but a hoe treat like a bitch share her ass pictures her boobs , etc to attract attention without any particular reason and this person is a hoe and she flirts with everyone around touches their Dick show up her body and it can be either man or woman both can be hoe
Henry: bud last night did u see that girl ?she was literally having sex with every man in the party
Paul: so yeah , why?
Henry: i found her Instagram account judt full of her ass and boobs pictures
Paul : yeah i know she was a heo a bad hoe
Parker: Hey who do you think is the biggest hoe in school?
Angel: It's got to be Tristan Chapman man.
Parker: Yea I heard she made out with this high schooler when she was dating Aidan.
Angel: Yea I heard that too. What a hoe.
A hoe is when somebody phone blows up everyday and fuck with more than one nigga/bitch.
“They always saying I’m hoe but doesn’t know that my phone is dry”😒