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liam F

Very cute and will get your girls and maybe your kids. He is awesome and has lots of friends. He is the best minecraft player.

Take an example of Liam F

by Awsome sauce478 February 25, 2021


Fuck with 17 (or the year resent or past)

I'm rocking this year! Try to f/w17 bitch!

by Jjjjjjjjjnjjjjjdjdndnfndnf June 3, 2017

All the F’s

Friends fucking fast for free,
Frogs from Frank’s farmhouse fall four feet,
Friends from France fix fancy front facing fences,
Fred falling frantically far from faith’s face,
Far from Fiona’s funny farm,
Foxes flee forewords, flacidly fucking fish from franks fig forest,
Fried fish flip flop from fluffy flagmen,
Freaky fridays form feathery fairies from fellow fat feminists,
Families fly from Finland, falling flirtatiously flustered,
Fondling fourteen friends from flag filled freeways,
Franklin freshens fermented fruit from factories,

George: “do you ever feel like releasing all your anger into a poem?”
Kyler: “yeah, sometimes. Have you heard of all the f’s?”
George: “isn’t that like a theme song to ten things I hate about you?”
Kyler: “no, don’t be stupid. It’s a type of poem where you only use words starting with ‘f’. Not even the words ‘it’, ‘the’ or ‘and’”
George: “ohhhh, okay I’ll go do that”
Kyler: “yeah, put all that sad boi to good use”

by ermagerddddddd September 9, 2019

henly f

Henly F, also known as Henly Furukawa, is a Youtuber who got banned twice, but kept going no matter what.

Henly F interviewed Borribo and it was an intense conversation!

by Yoongi kun May 21, 2020


Fuck,Smoke Weed, Sleep All Day

I wish I could F$WSAD”

by shhhhhyea April 10, 2020

F bomber

YOU MAY JUST KNOW THIS PERSON, they literally drop the f word 4 times or more a sentence

Bob: wassup motherf***** ,how you f****** day goin , ya heard about f****** Wendy bruh, she was so f*****
Billy:bro why you such an f bomber its not needed and useless
Bob:shut your mouth its a right of passage and makes it sound more interesting
Billy: .......

by Lycanace March 16, 2019

mutherfuckin' F

over redundant exclaimation expressing feelings of astonishment or sheer flabergation. derived from a combonation of people who don't use profanity around children and people who don't really give a fuck.

Gary: "What in the mutherfuckin' F are you fuckers doing!?!"

Steve: "What the hell is that F supposed to mean?"

by turbomelvin November 13, 2010