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Someone who objects to a Situation or Ideal while applying Logic, Facts, and Evidence to back up their Objections
The "Counter" part usually comes in when the person the Objector is arguing with is usually someone who Objects the same thing, but for a different reason... Usually lacking in reason entirely and just objecting because it's "cool to be different"

Joe is a Counter-Objector because he agrees with Frank that this Political Situation is bad. However, Joe disagrees with Frank on WHY it is bad.

by ThatOneCorrector November 7, 2018

Counter cleaners

Roaches. Roaches eat any and everything left on the counter.

I gotta buy some raid to kill all these fuckin' counter cleaners.

by boo&brasen June 25, 2010

Counter culture coup

When a group of people acts like people they previously tried to make fun of or call weird earlier in life, but they're actually replacing anything that is unique (or old) with something a bit more bubblegum pop (or new) and mainstream (but don't want their activities to be transparent or obvious to anyone) by claiming to be/posing as the raw person's kind of raw, the outlaw's outlaw.

He/she/they were a part of a secret society/organization trying to launch a successful counter culture coup that established counter surveillance on anything that represented anything left of the old counter culture to replace it with a new bland version of it, and a new guard to guard it.

by The Original Agahnim December 14, 2021

Counter Nationalist

A person who has beliefs and/or acts in a way that goes against their well being as part of a Nation.

Many Americans are Counter Nationalists in the fact that they are not living in their true Nation and act in no way or have no ability to move back.

by SoftwareDevOps October 31, 2022


A counter "attack" when someone "presses X to doubt."

Dad: LOL, press X to doubt.
Boy: Press R3 to Counter-Doubt.

by Damanjan March 11, 2018

Counter Revolution

Sort of a revolution against a revolution. Like trying to stop a rebellion.

My fellow Catholics, we must start a counter revolution against the Protestants that have ruined the Christian world. All Protestants must be Catholic by next Easter, or we will resort to violence.

by manwithsomelies June 30, 2024

Counter resistance

Resistance to resistance, just like counter surveillance is someone watching somebody watching somebody.

No resistance is without counter resistance.

by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020