No matter how rough somebody tries to look or convince people they are, if they've never spilled any condiments on their clothes, they're a little too smooth and charming to trust, and their definition of human spirit is bullshit.
The smooth guy/girl made many public appearances at parties or on tv shows, but never wearing any of their food.
To be so dumb that is seems that you have no brain.
To have no wrinkles on the brain.
Why did you do that? Are you smooth?
"1 + 1 = 4." What are you smooth you smeed.
Cool , amazing , wicked , awesome , etc.
A : Hey Brotha ! Was poppin !?
B : Did you read Hayyan’s latest tweet ? I think He’s smooth af man !
Super chill.
Tell people that you’re smooth and everyone will respect you.
1: Hey do you know Jake?
2: oh yeah he’s real smooth.
You're as smooth as a porcupine in a vat of meatloaf
When you ACCIDENTALLY find wormies in your smootheeeeeee. PLSSSSS- anyways chile stream queen doja cat!!!!!
woom smoothie (.) smooth worm