A newly discovered medical condition, this is when your anus somehow slaps itself so hard, it sounds like clapping. This is an STD.
Person #1: Awww, man! I got anus clap!
Person #2 Damn, that sucks dude.
Anu's Law is equivalent to Murphy's Law ("Anything that can go wrong will go wrong") but for conversations between Anu and others. Anu's Law states "Whenever girls can be mentioned, Anu will mention them"
Anu: "Yeah it's like that red headed chick from last week"
Nick: Here goes Anu's Law again..
A phenomenon that occurs when someone eats excessive amounts of $5 value boxes from taco bell, and have "anal bloomage" from their anus
Bro, all that taco bell gave me a bouquet of anus flowers
An anus chaser is a person who predominantly chases anuses whilst being addicted to anuses.
Till Lopper is such an anus chaser.
Something that is unspeakably odious and objectionable, doubly terrible.
"Oh crumbs, did you see his presentation? It was a haunted anus from start to finish
Fuck ass slutty whore who likes to take girls to the back room and steal there virginity
Damion is nothing but a mr anus