"tell me the alphabet"
"ay bee see dee ee eff gee aitch ai jay kay el em en oh pee queue are ess tea you vee double you ex why and zed"
shimy ay shimy ah, tra la la la
smurf: you seen that new movie?
other smurf: shimy ay shimy ah, tra la la la
A fun way to greet your friends
*see’s friend in hallway* AYE POPS
“Hello, Nice to meet you. Could I do anything for you?”
Me: Aye wasshannin wit u?
My Brudda: Boolin stackin bread
Me: Hahaha shut da fuck up yo trap too slow boi you move a brick a month
Northern Ireland come back to a put down
"You're a wee tramp:"... "aye your ma's a fucking tramp"
She snared ay, decently, but what was that twinkle in her eye 🤫