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Depending on context may stand for 'Bad Ass' , 'Bachelard of Art' or 'Breast Augmentation'. Honestly I have never seen it to be used for 'bad ass' as everyone here seems to be suggesting but there you go.

What should be used for bloating/constipation after BA (breast augmentation) surgery?

You are a real BA (bad ass)

He has recently finished his BA course in photography.

by Ferival December 14, 2016


A term of endearment used between friends. Can be used to signify familiarity, rapport and kinship.
The word Ba came from the root word Boss and went though a series of progressions: Boss - Bowws - Biows - Bia - Ba

What's up Ba!
What the fuck is up Ba!

by pogasaurus January 17, 2022


Bah is a word you can say to someone. If your friend for example are telling something random, you say Ba.

Friend: "Yo bro, yesterday I took an insanely big shit."
You say:"Ba"

by Michael LeBron January 30, 2023


A badass.

Person 1" Did you see the presidential debate last night?"
Person 2" Yea, Trump was BA"

by okaybena December 7, 2020


word/noise constantly yelled by all the best athletes in the world. yelling “BA!” when playing a sport makes you 90% better at that sport.

*player hits volleyball over the net
player: “BA!”
*player scores point
*crowd goes wild

by elias BA DA GA FA June 24, 2019


Something or someone that makes you feel safe.

I never go to sleep without my ba.

Hey ba can you come cuddle with me.

by Macyblue March 9, 2022


abbreviation of "before anyone"

"he is my ba"

by todorkiii October 24, 2018