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A brad is a frat boy that drinks all the beer (preferably natural light) he thinks he’s huge and constantly screams Saturday’s are for the boys even when it’s not Saturday, he also has to wear only vineyard vines dress shirts, Patagonia, and sperrys, his father will also most definitely be a lawyer that will sue you.

Wow look at this brad over here shotgunning that beer, I hope he crashed his Jeep Wrangler he’s such a douche.

by Chris karalekas July 22, 2018


Beautiful skinhead

Brad has a beautiful skinhead trim

by Vantage fitness November 24, 2021


A “Brad” is a term used to describe a male who, while not as handsome as a “Chad,” still possesses a certain appeal to some women due to his decent looks and frat boy behavior. Brads are often characterized by their highly toxic nature and lack of seriousness towards life. They are typically the type of guys women will party and hook up with, but not consider for marriage due to their unreliability.

After dating a few Brads during her college years, she realized she needed someone more reliable and mature.

by Angry Guy MWA October 13, 2023


He lives in Wiscansin and lives on a cheese farm with his pappy

Hey brad youre a faggot

by Brad the cheese man June 13, 2019


The biggest fucking retard on this planet. Brad has committed several war crimes. He is more dangerous than Pablo Escobar

Brad: hey guys🤓
Everyone who talks to Brad: shut up bitch

by Kai Macneill May 14, 2022


fat fat fat fat fat fat fatf atf atfatafat doesnt know when he is in the wrong very dumb does not think could be gay to pussy to tell

p2 : brad is fat and possible gay
p1: yeah lol i am gearge ooga booga

by johnsmith443 August 25, 2020


an absolute weapon who cannot be banged

hey look theres brad zouting and fruiting

by OZZYBOYAWESOME October 12, 2018