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Miguel Bing

The best 5'5",dot-eyed kid you could ever meet. He's very energetic, very kind to people who he thinks are kind to others. If you've ever been approached by Miguel, you're considered his friend. If you have not spoken to a Miguel Bing yet, you should probably approach him yourself! He loves everybody, and he shows it. Oh yeah, and he also speaks in third person! Unfortunately he is very easy to manipulate, so he'll have to watch out for that.

Shinichiro: "YO, MIGUEL!"
Camille: "Oh, hey Miguel!"
Kurai: "What do you want, kid."
Lena: "Me and Miguel are besties!"
Miles: "I hate the way you look."
Miguel Bing: *emotion : happy*

by pLeeped November 17, 2021

Binge Watch

Watch Multiple Episode/Seasons of a show in a short period of time. Typically within a few days or weeks.

Thomas: Hey Brody, wanna play some Basketball in an hour?
Brody: Nah man, I'm going to Binge Watch Anime.
Thomas: Since when did you become a weeb?!

by GangstaE.T_han May 4, 2021

ying bing

The use of “Ying Bing” originates from the early Persian Empire era. Ying meaning little and Bing meaning penis. The word phrase derives from what is now know as Micro Penis Syndrome or MPS. The history of this phrase has been found to derive from users projecting their insecurities onto those they are referring to.

Yo, David has a Ying Bing. I saw it in the locker room. Poor guy... he’s still my boy though.

Hey EJ, just curious if your Ying Bing is going to grow or does it stay that side your whole life?!

by Krucial Kris June 6, 2021

Album Binge

The act of listening to an album almost compulsively for days or even weeks. When on an album binge, it's difficult to get the motivation to listen to anything else.

That Sunny Day Real Estate album is awesome, I've been on a total album binge. I' haven't listened to anything else for ages!

by SamanyManamany July 6, 2009

Binge Bereavement

The sense of loss or grief someone feels when a series they're binging ends.

When Karen was done binge watching Shameless, she felt Binge Bereavement.

by Mel's World May 17, 2019

pony binge

slang for cocaine

i'm in the import and export business. I deal in pony binge.

by Megatim July 17, 2008

Bing Stalk

to use Google Maps or Bing Maps in the aid of stalking. the name for a person who Bing Stalks is a Bing Stalker

"wow, it looks like that guys Bing Stalking his friends girlfriend. what a loser."

by CornCob McGee July 3, 2009