A sexual act which requires you to beat the living fuck of your partner, then once they've had enough you begin to have intercourse until they've climaxed
Oh yeah! Just the other day I gave my Cheryl a great Brazilian Diplomat .
When you're on you're on the receiving end of death and a Brazilian waxing and the spouse eats your ass
Yeah I heard marth got a Brazilian deathbed as her dying wish.
When you cum in a chick's pussy and she queefs it back to you
She said she was into crazy shit, So we did A "Brazilian Blow Back"
Basically, it's billions of human years, but since nothing happens in Brazil (expect murders) it takes more than 1 human year to complete a year in brazil.
Joe: "1 Brazilian year here is approximately 998,297,665 human years.."
Steve:"bro whaaaaaat"
Joe: "but do you know who I am?"
person 1: hey, look at that brazilian pretzel!
tyler: thats elyse, you dumb fuck.
When you get pregnant after someone cums in your juicy butthole and drips down the vagina
Too many margaritas?
Nah, just a Brazilian butt kid!