An absolute moronic rent boy, which bangs in about the one time he was wanted off by Harvey Price
U wish I was Lewis Brett.
A person Who is Madly obsessed with Brett hand (Inside job- Netflix Show) , Has multiple “Brett” pleasure toys, And does not take care Of them self, (AKA) gets a lot of infections from not Disinfecting their toys.
For example-“did you see Brett Peggers New post?”
“Woah look what Brett Pegger did now!”
The act of forcing anal insertion on another male while eating captain crunch
"Oh man I really feel sorry for that guy that was just Brett Rosenberged!"
a super cool guy and a huge cock!
wow brett raymond made tonight genuine
When you pig the shit out of Mary or Melissa
I Brett's disco tiled them last night, john video taped it!
The act of swallowing so much man goo durring a bukkake gangbang that raw hot dogs can slide down your throat with ease without even taking a bite!
There were so many hot dudes in tight pants last night that i couldn't resist getting Brett Wilson'd!
someone called this low life slang word is often referred to as a bitch.
Why does he always have to be Brett Westerman.