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Lewis brett

An absolute moronic rent boy, which bangs in about the one time he was wanted off by Harvey Price

U wish I was Lewis Brett.

by Ericshaun247 November 23, 2021

Brett pegger

A person Who is Madly obsessed with Brett hand (Inside job- Netflix Show) , Has multiple “Brett” pleasure toys, And does not take care Of them self, (AKA) gets a lot of infections from not Disinfecting their toys.

For example-“did you see Brett Peggers New post?”

“Woah look what Brett Pegger did now!”

by yarharhar November 13, 2023

Brett Rosenberged

The act of forcing anal insertion on another male while eating captain crunch

"Oh man I really feel sorry for that guy that was just Brett Rosenberged!"

by Tom Sellecked January 20, 2010

brett raymond

a super cool guy and a huge cock!

wow brett raymond made tonight genuine

by cozzareid February 19, 2023

Brett's Disco Tile

When you pig the shit out of Mary or Melissa

I Brett's disco tiled them last night, john video taped it!

by Mtg8 February 26, 2016

Brett Wilson'd

The act of swallowing so much man goo durring a bukkake gangbang that raw hot dogs can slide down your throat with ease without even taking a bite!

There were so many hot dudes in tight pants last night that i couldn't resist getting Brett Wilson'd!

by Stickyfacewilson November 9, 2019

brett westerman

someone called this low life slang word is often referred to as a bitch.

Why does he always have to be Brett Westerman.

by brettwestermanisugly November 21, 2019