Source Code

Reverse Bruce Jenner

Female to male sex change

Girl 1: "Sometimes I wish I was a man..."
Girl 2: "You should get the Reverse Bruce Jenner!"

by KingBrandonA June 1, 2015

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Bruce Lee Blumpkin

After receiving fellatio and depositing feces in the lavatory you proceed to give a doubled handed karate chop to both sides of the neck to the person who just gave you fellatio

Denise passed out from the pain from our Bruce Lee Blumpkin session we had last night

by coffee pot June 13, 2006

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bruce lee

Cockney rhyming slang meaning needing to urinate

Hurry up i need a Bruce Lee

by wez135 November 13, 2007

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Joe Bruce Lookin Ass

When a guy (typically a tool) wears a denim jacket with light denim jeans and white Vans to tie it all together

Seems like the theme at Coachella was to be a Joe Bruce Lookin Ass

by SWCEPM October 12, 2019

Duck duck bruce

A game similar to duck duck goose. You gather in a circle and sit on the floor and one person walks around and says duck, like in duck duck goose. The only difference is when you want the person to be it, you say bruce instead of goose. Then you run for your life away from the creeper-rapist bruce wayne.

"Lets play duck duck bruce!"


by fred carpinski February 25, 2009

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Bruce Lee Gunt Punch

Where a guy wraps his cock with a woman's gunt and proceeds to saw back and forth like he's punching with his cock while randomly shouting "hai yah!" and saying formulaic Kung Fu movie lines like "You have offended my family and you have offended the Shaolin Temple." These lines are said while he is moving his mouth in a disjointed pattern from the words being said.

Right when he's shooting his load, he has to let out one last "hai Yaah!" then he reaches over and pulls out a fist full of her chest/nipple/pussy/wort/upper lip hair and blow it in her face like Bruce Lee did to Chuck Norris in the movie "Way of the Dragon"

Last night was my turn to be wing man, so I had to Bruce Lee Gunt Punch Agnes the troll while Bill was scoring with Kelly the hottie

by Camphophenique July 27, 2011

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Marshall Bruce Mathers III

This is the real name of the white rapper, Eminem, who is a genius when is comes to writing lyrics down.

For the people who acutally know something about Eminem, and know his FULL name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III.

by ohmananotherword August 29, 2008

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