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Mudd Butt

When you take a shit and it looks like pure swamp juice just came out of your asshole! The kind of shit that is runny....but not pure ass piss!

Holy shit...I drank an ass-load of beer last night and now I have mudd butt!

by TKleikamp January 20, 2009

201πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Butt Strumpet

A hooker or slut who likes getting fucked up the ass.

She's such a Butt Strumpet, dang, her arse sounds like a butt trumpet when she walks through town.

by Shit_4_Brains September 4, 2007

60πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Butt Barf

a watery, chunky substance that is excreted from the anus in violent bursts

That mexican food gave me a wicked case of butt barf.

by Feason April 30, 2006

61πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

butt funk

Term used to describe one’s foul odor emitting from the anus. Also used to describe other foul odors not necessarily relative to the butt.

Stan reeks of butt funk because he's dirty.

by Dominic5160 April 15, 2006

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Hockey Butt

A round muscular butt associated with athletes like hockey players, football players, Olympic weightlifters and sprinters. Easy on the eyes and a pleasure to pet.

His hockey butt always drew whispers and adoring gazes when he entered or left a room.

by wb416 January 30, 2012

155πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


The knee-butt is a painful yet entertaining move that can be preformed on friends and ememies alike. The move is executed as follows:

The unsuspecting victim is standing so that their back is facing you. Approach the person, call out "knee-butt!" and knee them right in the ass bone. Hurts like hell. It is customary to call out the knee-butt warning before kneeing. When knee-butting friends it is recommended to knee with care, due to the potential anal crushing power of the move. Grabbing onto the persons shoulders can add a more visually dramatic element to the move, as well as increasing the power behind it.

Kevin: "Dude why are you hopping around and holding onto your ass like a fucking fairy?"
Steve: "Dustin just friggin gave me the worst knee-butt of my life!"

by Lee T September 9, 2005

69πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

plumbers butt

when a man bends over and his butt crack hangs out

look at dad he has plumbers butt

by boomer2 July 29, 2003

85πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž