carson also known as cdot , cdotdademon , faggot , giant , smoker , pothead. carson is many things. carson is the type of friend that if he likes you then he likes you and he would do anything for you and never betray you. but if carson doesn't like you he doesn't like you. He will talk about you right in front of your face , to your friends knowing you're gonna run back and tell them. carson is very sensitive and can be hurt easily but he is also tough so if you hurt his feelings it's gonna really hurt him. but sometimes he deserves it. but i advise you not to get on his bad side because once your on his bad side then your stuck there and it's over for you. he might become friends with you again and make you think that your back on his good side but he will always remember what you did and never forget and he will always hold that against you. and when carson loves he loves hard and i mean HARD. he never knows when to stop and if you're on carsons good side for a long time and never do anything to him when you do something he's just gonna forgive you because that's how he is. but back to his good and bad side... he's actually always gonna forgive you and go back to the regular life and sometimes that's a problem because carson feels like he owes it to people for them to know everything about him and he doesn't know when to stop sharing and that has made him get in trouble ALOTTTTTT of times but he sometimes he does know when to stop and he's getting better.
but carson is also VERY VERY VERYYYY messy. and that is also a problem. but carson is the friend that you would want to have because he may be messy and run his mouth a lot but he knows when to shut up. so he shows that you could trust him with stuff. carson is very very handsome. carson is hilarious but he can also be serious and if he notices something that he doesn't like then he's gonna try and fix it and if it's beyond repair he's gonna leave it alone and let it figured itself out and that's another thing you would love about him. If you ever run into a carson then don't let him leave because he will be the person you are at your best and worst times with and you will love him forever.
person(that knew carson for 3 months):carson is weird and messy and talks about his friends. (may vary depending on the friend and how close he is)
person (knew carson for years but carson doesnt like them because they are weird ): carson is weird and messy and talks about his friends and has no problem with it and does it over and over and never learns.
person(knew carson for years but carson actually likes them): carson is my one of my favorite people and i am so lucky that i found him because i dont know where i would be without carson. he loves me with everything i he has.
he is supa cool and loves dogos, dogs will jump @ first site and
will blow little puppy minds
carson is so cool boi!!!!!!!!!!!
girl 2: I KNOW
boy: IM JELOUS!!!
Very sexy and cute. Really good guy. Will never leave you. Is very loyal and very protective. Loves the fall. If you have a Carson in your life don't lose him.
I'm so jelly. That girl has a Carson.
Carson is a city in Los Angeles, California south of Compton and north of LA (Wilmington). Known for the StubHub Center, and street/gang violence. Often confused with Carson City, Nevada. Working Class / Middle Class area.
I live in Carson, it is right below Compton.
Carson has the biggest dick known to man kind
person 1 : “oh hi carson”
person 2 : “oh his dick is massive”
the bestest person you could ever ask for in life. he has the best sense of humor and is usually always goofing around. he has a good music taste and always knows how to cheer you up, but in the weirdest ways possible.
if you ever like a carson, keep him (please). he is so amazing and kind. he's very honest and trustworthy. thanks for always listening to me faggot, i love you.
keep your carson and never let go.