An inbred creature in Northern London who wears colourful track suits and walks around like he/she is a 10 ft tall Rugby player.
*A chav walks/bounces to the shop to buy a packet of cigarettes even though he/she doesn't smoke, just to show off to the other chavs.*
Girls of the orange variety. This species is fairly easy to find as they live at McDonalds. They tend to have a frizzy bun and wear adidas clothes. common words they use: G, fam, HAVE A LITTLE FAITH IN MEEE THATS ALL I NEED YEAH. They smoke 10 packs a day, so follow the smoke trail to find your nearest fast food place. DO NOT APROACH BECAUSE THEY DISPLAY VERY THREATENING BEHAVIOUR. never let them do you're makeup or you will go around looking wasted. They often date people from the gif below
I saw a chav at maccy D's. She pulled a knife on me so I stole her chips and ran.
chav is basically a british hot cheeto girl
A: omg look it's a chav
the chav: *violently shaking* hAvE A lIttLe FaItH In Me Yeaah I'Ts aLl I neEd YeAh
Often standing for Council House Associated Vermin
found on street corners, or bus stops. With the cheapest larger and roll-up cigs they can find.
Treat with care or they will 'Buff you up bert'
Words are often added to the end of their sentences, IE
1) Mayte (Phonetic)
2) Bert
3) Pal
4) Bruv
'or8 bert, am gunna smash u up cos u looked @ mi bird like'
Quote from a chav
it’s like hot cheeto girls but british
ugh chav girls get on my nerves.
A chav is someone you don't want to get involved with. If you do, you will have grand-children before the age when you even wanted your own kids. Here are the signs you will need to keep a look out for:
1. They begin to drop their T's from words.
2. They ask everyone who walks past if they have a spare fag.
3. They begin to travel around in larger groups thus to overpower us normal people.
4. No, they are right about everything because school is for idiots.
5. That tracksuit cost £200 quid mate, they often say things like this "don't look at what you can't afford".
6. They pick fights with you just for the sake of it, often by doing this "Oh don't I know you".
7. Pregnancy at a young age is a big tradition.
8. Of course they have parents to tell them to stop, but they're too busy being Chavs themselves to give a shit.
If you spot any of these points, your best bet is to run, hide or get your gun.
To report whether you have a Chav in your local area please call 111 or #Theresonestillalive@(whereyoulive).
Thanks for reading... and be safe.
What a chav would say:
"Yes, do you wanna go in there and buy us some vodka mate"
"Oh boys, this lady said she'll get us some fags"
"Yeah this will be my 5th kid now ineh"
"Narh no luck down the jobs office today lads, it's hard yano"