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pig cold

a standard cold or illness caught around the time of the swine flu epidemic. named as such due to the moment anyone claims to be unwell during this period they are instantly told they must have swine flu.

dave: james was coughing yesterday, we all thought it was swine flu, apparently he is better now, must have just been pig cold.

by Danny Hardcore July 28, 2009

Hoth cold

How a Star Wars fan would describe bitter cold weather. Compares winter weather with conditions on the ice planet Hoth.

It’s not just cold. It’s Hoth cold! Your tauntaun will freeze!

by Hannibal Cannabis March 1, 2019

cold marinara

This is the term used for someone or something that has no use or purpose and is altogether sickening. This term can also be used to describe someone who is overly dramatic.

Anna- Locking me in the basement is crude, rude, and disrespectful!

Jordan- Please, Anna. You are nothing but cold marinara sauce.

by khaki joe July 9, 2009

swine cold

an illness that is compared to the swine flu , but not nearly as serious.

"oh snap man I think I got Swine Flu!"

"Naw, you just got a swine cold."

by ridetheyak September 13, 2009


You know that moment where you realize that you left your hot chocolate on the counter in the kitchen? Then... you jump up, sprint over, and pick it up. Then you take a sip and it’s kinda cold. Well...that’s luke-cold. #lukecoldisaword

Shit! My hot chocolate is luke-cold!”

by Lukecoldisaword November 2, 2020

Cold Contact

Rubbin ice where it feels nice

"I gave my uncle a cold contact when he was sick"

"I got cold contacted by my priest after Sunday school"

by AssAnalyzer67 April 11, 2019

Cold Poppin’

Gingerly insetting a frozen popsicle into your partner’s rectum and letting it melt before removing the stick.

Generally, performed to add a heightened, cold experience and/or sweet flavor to the ass before eating that booty.

I was cold poppin’ Rachel last night with a Bomb Pop. Man dat booty was sweet eats and had me singing the Stars and Stripes.

by Eaton Holgoode October 22, 2018