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asian culture

someone who uses great use of the asianess and can make anyone with low self esteem horny as fuck.

Zachary i have asian culture dont worry about it

by dr_big_gay April 23, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Culture War

2 groups of assholes using their desire to curate their children's reality to justify imposing thier self-embodied perfection/universal submission ethic on the world.

Hym "Like that scene from the anime about me where the goblins tie a bunch of women to carts and use them as arrow shields... The Culture War is little more than that, but with children. 'Stop shooting arrows at my fuck trophies!' 'NO! YOU stop shooting arrows at MY fuck trophies!' Like... Your kids existing... doesn't mean I have to do (or not do) anything. Seriously. I can't do what I want because your wife didn't fuck me? No. That's not how that works. You not liking the reality you've chosen subject your children to is justification for you controlling me. Now... You're going to try to refute this using historical precedent. That's not a good argument. But it's ok. I have the solution. If you want me to do or not-do a thing. Your wife can suck my dick. She can suck my dick and I will (then) consider doing or not doing the thing. But that's reality. Plenty of children have been subjected to far worse (historically). That's the reality you exist in. I know. It sucks. The bright side is that it's temporary. So.... Enjoy that I guess..."

by Hym Iam January 3, 2023

18๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

cultural appropriation

The act of taking customs, practices, or traditions from one culture (usually by a member of a dominant culture) to either mock or simplify the meaning or significance of that piece of culture. Also, taking/wearing something from another culture and appreciating it only when it is not on the body of a member of that culture.

Examples/applications of cultural appropriation:

Giuliana Rancic: OMG Kylie Jenner's dreadlocks are so cool and edgy!!
Giuliana Rancic: OMG Zendaya must smell like weed and patchouli.

Any male or female that is NOT Native American wearing a Native American headdress because those headdresses are reserved for MALE elders after a religious ceremony; it's not just a cute hat.

Wearing bindis, dashikis, dreadlocks, saris, kilts, clogs, or any other type of clothing that is not native to your own culture without acknowledging the history these clothes come from or the oppression that some people who wear those clothes have to face because they are different from the majority culture in a specific country.

by epitome_of_grace September 21, 2015

550๐Ÿ‘ 880๐Ÿ‘Ž

popular culture

culture that is considered 'popular'

Nike, *NSYNC, Britney Spears, MTV, Marijuna, MP3's, Football, Internet, etc...usually associated with the younger crowd (13-24)

by April September 11, 2003

29๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cultural Appropriation

When a person takes something with cultural significance from another culture for their own, but doesn't respect or understand the cultural significance the something has. Instead they only claim to 'like' the culture because of what they can gain from it.

White kid 1: Ugh, Indians have such stupid customs and shit.
White kid 2: Yeah OMG!

White kid 1: OMG Bindis are so cool! I love Indians! I'm all for Hindu or whateverr
Indian kid: wtf cultural appropriation much.

by seriously253 May 15, 2015

372๐Ÿ‘ 598๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rape Culture

Setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.
Rape culture is prominent in all aspects and forms of society today and is a major social issue.
the reason being is, If rape culture is allowed to continue then men and women will view rape as socially acceptable.
Obviously Rape is socially unacceptable, and for those who don't think it's a problem how would ya'll neckbeards feel if some randomass dude walked up to you on the street and started beating the shit out of all the while saying "I bet you like that".

Rape is physical abuse.

Robin Thickes song 'Blurred lines', 50 shades of grey, and so on. Is part of Rape Culture

by LightFlux July 29, 2015

237๐Ÿ‘ 372๐Ÿ‘Ž

Culture Vulture

A person who attempts to steal a culture to fit in with their idols and be part of a group.

Hey Jimmy you're only doing something because you're culture vulture, and get that dick out of your mouth!

by J1mmyTh1cc June 23, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž