Dr. Dre, Mr. NWA, Mr. AK, comin' straight outta Compton ya'll better make way!
Teens back then: "Man, Dre is the man!"
Teens now: "Dr. Dre? The guy who made those headsets?"
A man who craves you to use your sexy intimate voice.
Person 1: The teacher made me whisper into his ear instead of just talking to him!
Person 2: Sounds like he must've been a Dr. England!
A mean, nasty and selfish guy that tries to defeat Sonic the Hedgehog with his sex acts.
Like raping Sonic for example, which forces him to call Fuckles for help.
Sonic: HELP!
Fuckles: I’m cumming.
Sonic: I was raped by Dr. Robotdik.
Fuckles: Oh my god.
A woodshop teacher that smokes a butt ass load of weed. And rapes teen girls under the age od 16.
Kid1: Did you hear about that rape?
Kid2: Yea i heard a high rapest did it!
Kid1: That guy pulled off a Dr. Meide
Is simply the definition of “cool” at a level that Chuck Norris and David Hasselhoff can’t compare…
“Man that Dr. Cox guy has his sources”
A fruity science teacher, a zest pest, someone who is so fruity that is cannot be compared to anything else. The enemy of fox.
Oh my gosh have you met Fox? He’s so much like Dr moody
a doctor sexy. the kind if human who acquires their doctorate degree, and still maintains a very fit personal appearance. a would-smash doctor.
C: hey, did you see that girl over there? she looks like a doctor babe!
J: yeah, dr babe is pretty fucking hot. i wonder what it would be like to eat sushi off of her naked body.