Eva is a beautiful, strong, intelligent, independent woman. Usually a Scorpio, an Eva is someone who will take care of everyone around them, even if they should be taking care of themselves instead. An Eva is also the kinkiest woman you’ll ever find. If you find an Eva, never let them go. Don’t fuck her over, she will come back with a vengeance.
Girl 1: Did you hear about what they did to Eva?
Girl 2: Yeah, Eva didn’t deserve that.
Girl 1: They say she started crying. Then redacted him
Girl 2: That’s so Evacore
A racist homophobic xenophobic afrophobic fatphobic girl that "jokingly'' says beaner 24/7
Person: i have ocd
eva: no yopu have obesity you gay beaner stfu u have no family
eva is a fae they love being a fae and meeting other faes. eva also loves gracie they are like totally together fr.no one knows yet this is my big reveal dont tell anyone.shhhhhh.eva likes pink skittles.
eva loves gracie
eva is a total fae
Eva is a beautiful small woman, that has green eyes and dark brown hair. She loves to help other people and never judge anybody unless they did something really really bad. If you have an Woman named Eva in your life, never let go of her cause she will make your life so much better. She will bring the lightning in eyes back, as you had as a little kid. She is funny, kind, smart, sexy and one of the most beautiful girls you probably will ever see.
Someone: Who is that girl over there?
Bestfriend: that's Eva, my bestfriend
Someone: dayummmn shes hot!
Bestfriend: ouh hell yhea, she is!!
That one crazy bich at the back off the room trying to get the dance right