A fat Big Mac lovin pot smokin lazy ball scratcher who enjoys locking himself up in his room on a daily basis and likes the presence of other ball scratchers so they can all cyph a Newport
Damn That Evan Nardone
That kid is evan nardone
Guy1: hey look at Evan and dino making out guy 2: yeah that's gross
A stuck up nonce who hangs out with an Ellie Evans and other chavs. She is a disgrace.
Person 1: she looks like a Regan Evans
Person 2: Oh! looks like evolution fucked up again.
Evan deese is a specimen found in the Lexington district eastern coast. He seems to know the name of every individual in the town of Lexington, the existent of his knowledge is quite concerning given he knows everything about everyone. While he may seem harmless even is very powerful. Evan has shown great interest in weather and specificity dangerous weather. It’s believed that Evan is fully capable of controlling the weather, and uses this to his advantage. He’s in the works of dominating the world. Why else would he know the address of every citizen around him? Evan is a mastermind and I hate to say it but he’s a genius to. Evan’s influence is silent but it’s slowly taking over the state and soon the world. Evan deese must be stoped or he’ll melt the ice caps and flood the entire world. He actively denounced peta in a tweet saying “p-e-t-a is a scam, the pandas will be better under water 🌊”. Once he gains political office he will use his powers to end all life on earth.
Person 1: yo did you see that tornado on Evan’s snap?
Person 2: yeah even created it
Person 1: to bad Evan stole my girl
Person 2: Evan deese is an omnipotent presence
A player that produces so much sweat while playing FIFA, that he actually causes sea levels to rise which evidently leads to Global Warming
Wow, this n00b on FIFA 12 really is a Sweaty Evan.
102👍 44👎
A funny youtuber . has lots of friends to play with,mostly likes games and/or plays them evry day.
14👍 3👎
Evan Peters is the hottest man on the planet. He is of belonging to me.
Madi: Evan Peters is mine.
Morgyn: He is obviously mine.
(Evan Peters belongs to Morgyn)
19👍 5👎