when a person looks like he or she grew up in or lived in a trailer. usually hard looking or ugly.
that girl has a definite trailer-face
The cute face people (usually female) make to express happiness. Usually the person making the crunch face will close their eyes and smile with their mouth closed. The emoticon "^-^" represents the crunch face.
I made a crunch face when he started cuddling me because it made me feel all warm and tingly.
The face you pull when you've popped a few too many pills, usually involving gurning, teeth clenching and raised eyebrows.
Beth: Jon's e-face last night was priceless.
When you remove your mask after stepping outside you get amazing FACE AIR!!
damn that face air is so fresh, ive had this mask on all day!
To appear goofy in a picture example. Shut rolled eyes. Tongue partially out and lips "like a duck"
Man at the bar last night every girl I took a picture with did the Howard face. What the hell. They ruin everything!
Man of any age or race with a narrow face and a smallish pointed Roman nose
Who the fuck are you calling sluts you weasel-face cunt?
Kyria was in maths one day when the teacher says, “rhombuses are basically just wonky squares,” to which Kyria replied, “oof that’s cool,” so she went around calling people wonky squares which later evolved into rhombus face.
Ugh of course you got the question wrong you rhombus face