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Friends are people who love you almost or more than your family. Friends are the siblings God forgot to give us πŸ˜‰. Real, true friends stand up for you, keep promises, trust you, and would do anything for you. Without them you would have nothing to do, no gun to have, and no mistakes to make.

Man, I had such a good time with my friends at the movie theatre!

by Cheer fanatic December 31, 2015

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A bunch of dumbasses that scream obscenities into your phone everytime your mother calls.

β€œGod Damn it Franziska Can you shut the fusge up or I will literally hit you in the head with and axe, my dearest Friend”

by Scoobydoowhereareyou April 3, 2018

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Something I wish i had

I wish I had friends. :(

by trippingboi July 10, 2021

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the bitches that you thought liked you but don't

she was my friend

by kmn1 April 8, 2018

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Something that YOU don't have. :)




by Aerial Pig July 29, 2019

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as a friend

The meaning of as a friend is β€œI love you as a friend” ! Mainly used by the gods themselves, gerb and Apollo.

Apollo: You Are So Cool!
Gerb: As A Friend!

by ApolloXIIV January 18, 2020

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friends are some one who like you for who you are not beqacuse of ur stile of stuff their there cuz there they are friends and some of them try to trick you if you have you have alot of mony and they pretend to like you so they can steal your mony those people who ar like that make me sick i used to have a friend like that she wuz really bossy and mean and told lies she blamed every thing that she did wrong she did wrong so i always got in truble when she wuz the 1 who did it it felt like she wuz taking over my life and i hated her i never got the chance to say stop doing wutever she did wrong at that time then when i got the chance i sed to "stop pushing me arong you blame everything on me its not fair so just stop i had enough already u cant take over me life its just not faif u can't do that"then she went to an other school a few month later and i wuz reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happt it wuz 1 of the happest days of my life !!!!!! go me go me go me i did not know better to have a friend like her i wuz 5 !it wuz not right i had to say that cuz she wuz takin over my life

it wuz driven me crazy it wuz horrable she wuz like trin to take over my life i hated it it wuz anoing

by gwen March 21, 2005

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