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memes in general

when you when u put put meme in general is when u that when u do the when u are uing are

discord mod after you put memes in general

by av e rs ly au June 30, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

MTV Generation

Also known as the XY-generation, it is used to define a generation of young adults born between 1976-1988.

The MTV generation is the best generation to have been born in.

by Jane87 May 21, 2010

29๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generation P

A group of people that is still, presently developing, born between 1990 and 1995. These people have been usurped by the actions, wants, desires, and general lifestyle of Paris Hilton.

Check out that belligerantly drunk generation P chick with the Coach hand bag and the desire to fellate!

by Benjamin Bode November 26, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

general relativity

The theory states that the quality of the definition given is inversely proportional to the length of the definition.

Thus, the longer the definition, the crapper it is.

Through the theory of general relativity, we can deduce that the top definition is not worth reading.

by bastardo_bill June 8, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

General Manager

Noun used to describe something that is quite cool.

Man, i thought that girl was general manager, but she was totally stock boy the next day.

by S-Doobius December 1, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

mtv generation

I guess im sadly a part of this generation, but where not all retards who are dictated by whats "cool" on crapTV (mTV), most of my friends dont even like mtv or the "music" thats on there for 1 hour a day.

abcdefg hijklmnopqr stuvwxyz

by Mam August 28, 2004

43๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generation V

A non-age specific categorization of a generation and attitude where everyone else is to blame, and blame is never put on oneself. Everyone else is always at fault, and everyone else is persecuting them when they think they don't deserve it.

Student 1: I can't believe she gave me detention, she so hates me and is just making things up to do this to me.

Student 2: Stop being such a GenV, you were texting your boyfriend in class, you deserved detention.

Student 1: Oh my god, you are doing it too. I HAD to text him to make sure our plans to meet by the tree in the courtyard for lunch.

Hipster Office Worker: Ugh, I can't believe she wrote me up again, she is such a beoyotch. How am I ever going to get anywhere in this company if they keep restricting my creativity?

Other Office Worker: Well you have been over an hour late for work every single day for the past month, why wouldn't she write you up?

Hipster Office Worker: Can she not understand that I can't get up early enough to get here at that time, if I don't get enough sleep at night how am I going to be productive at work?

Other: Maybe not going out to coffee shops til midnight every night and not playing those shows with your band might be a good idea, I am sure getting home every night after midnight isn't good. Why not just stay in and go to bed earlier?

Hipster: That's art, it should be encouraged, how else am i going to break away from this corporate machine in order to pursue my music full time?

Other: You are such a member of Generation V.

by SpofoAnon August 13, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž