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Super Shea Gordon

Shea Gordon’s the ultimate shagger

All other midfielders have huge posters of him on their wall as he is the ultimate sex master

Recce Cole is excluded from this as he is a shagger as well

Kenny Miller: omg its Shea Gordon

Gordon:ah yes it is you mr Miller

Miller: I wish I was as good as you

Gordon: you are a old man now shut your mouth

A super Shea Gordon is a true shagger

by The ultimate shagger January 5, 2020

Gordon C.

Gordon C. Is a very unique and soul. You cannot become attached to this person as they will destroy your life. They have a major problem with drinking and has anger issues. This man whore will bang your pussy good then ghost you. He is a great fuck but when your looking for more of his throbbing double cut cock he falls off the earth. He is also known to have many children all around the world. Advise to avoid this man.

I just wanna ride Gordon C. Cocktail so bad my vag is screaming.

by mom and poo harry monkeyy May 30, 2022