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chevy hitler

According to Conan O'brien, it is the most unpopular car ever. It also has a little mustache on the grill.

Guy 1: hey dude, what car is that?
Guy 2: o, that's the chevy hitler
Guy 1: o, that's why it has a mustache in the front...

by Julio Sizzle December 17, 2009

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Little Hitler

Little Hitler is a shaving and trimming short of a women's pubic area.This leaves a small short haired patch of hair that looks like a mustache. Although most men prefer women with shaved pussy, the little hitler is a second best.

Check out the Little Hitler on that Babe!!

by Doug Hightower September 3, 2005

134πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Hitler Baby

A small broken percelain piece of a ceramic dolls face, frighteningly resembling a young, plumper, pale-faced Adolf Hitler. Supposedly believed to possess the FΓΌhrer's spirit, watching through the doll's eyes.

I can't concentrate with your Hitler Baby sitting there staring at me.

by Jayy1989 April 15, 2010

19πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Joke Hitler

#1: A person who has a history of killing jokes

#2: A person you try to avoid because they kill jokes so much

Guy #1: Why did the chicken cross the street?
Guy #2: Why?
Guy #1: To get to the other side!
Guy #1 + Guy #2: *Laugh*
Guy #3: Haha, Yeah. Like what was it thinking crossing a dangerous street like that?
Guy #1: heh.... haha
Guy #3: Like, "Hey, look at me i'm a chicken!" haha
Guy #2: *sigh*
Guy #3: I wonder if a cop would arrest the chicken for jaywalking. haha
Guy #1: Was i even talking to you?
Guy #3: ....I'll go back to my hole now. *walks away*
Guy #2: Dude, what a joke hitler.

by Trisepticon 4 July 4, 2009

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

chocolate hitler

a chocolate hitler, or (stinkey hitler);
the scent or stain of asshole left under the nose of an unsuspecting victim

If you stick your finger in your butthole, then wipe it on someones upper lip then youve given them a chocolate hitler.

by E. Bohannon August 14, 2008

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

adolf hitler

a nazi who took over germany in the 1930s and kicked the living shit, literally, out of the jewish people. Fuck you hitler

i saw a memorial of adolf hitler the other day and i cummed on it.

by adalf hatler November 10, 2009

162πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

Pasty Hitler

While recieving oral pleasure, you remove the penis and unload on her upper lip, then proceed to pluck some pubes and "paste" them on the upper lip....and don't forget to salute

James was quite proud after seeing Wilma adorned with her new Pasty Hitler

by phrase December 3, 2003

34πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž