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Jerry rigged

1. Jerry rigged is saying something is cheaply built or not created right.

2. A stupid thing my cousin says when something isn’t working right and got from romanatwood

Ex 1: you buy a Car from Bruce Honda and the car won’t start cause the engine is missing the drive plate and the gasket is replacing one of the dowel pins.
The car is cheaply built/ Jerry rigged

Ex 2: my cousin: β€œ this dumb bolt just fell out. The 4wheeler is Jerry rigged

by Familyrecordj May 17, 2018

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dirty Jerry

A dirty Jerry is when a man is giving head to another man while they're both dressed as Santa Claus

They gave each other a dirty jerry

by UrbanDictionaryGod69 August 26, 2021

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Jerry Seinfeld

The act of a girl giving a man oral sex and when the girl is swallowing the guy says a joke and the girl laughs so hard that male discharge comes out of the girls nose. Just like laughing and drinking milk.

I pulled a Jerry Seinfeld on your mom last night.

by CHILIZZZNUM1 June 6, 2006

48πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Jerry Springer

A show that uses actors.

A show that exists to make all white people look like trailer trash.

A racist,anti-white people,propaganda show that is designed to make all white people look dumb.

Jerry Springer is a sick perverted freak who gets aroused by his show when he manufactures episodes that center around incest and pedophilia and interracial gay and lesbian action.

Jerry Springer is a racist.

Jerry Springer's show uses actors to make white people look terrible.

Jerry Springer is your typical Democrat bastard.

by Towelie October 29, 2004

102πŸ‘ 293πŸ‘Ž

Dammit Jerry!

A term most often used when your friend does something dumb, cooler than something you did, owned something in a game, et cetera. However, it is not just limited to "Dammit Jerry!" Other permutations may exist, or replacing Jerry with another person's name.

Bill: Dude, you know Mia from Biology?

James: Yeah? What about her?

Bill: I hit that.


- or -

Bill: Holy shit!? Did you just kill that guy with the Spartan laser!?

James: You know it bro!


- or -

Jerry: Hey Bill, did you get Oblivion Shivering Isles?

Bill: No, why do you have it?

Jerry: Yep! hahaha!


by anon umpteen August 16, 2009

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Jerry Smith

Lover of Brom Bones and Leroy Jenkins, buys Yugioh cards for a living and is a Portuguese Manly Man.

Jerry Smith is very strong butcan he carry all those boxes of yugioh cards by himself? Why did he buy them all?
Jerry why do you like Brom Bones ? β€œ because he is Daddy β€œ

by Chatterbox32 April 11, 2018

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


actually jerry-rigged is the politically correct name for nigger-rigged.

i jerry-rigged that radiator hose with a rag and some duct tape, that bitch is running good now.

by lemonade face April 6, 2006

128πŸ‘ 403πŸ‘Ž