A degenerate of ItsFunneh. It is the MCYT all of the 3-8 year olds like.
Person 1:Do you know who Little Kelly is?
Person 2:I have no idea who the heck that is.
A reporter who tried to keep things pg when the crowd in the 2021 sparks 300 said f joe Biden and created the lgb chants and rednecks want her fired for not dropping the f-bomb on live tv
Did you here that girl got in trouble for not swearing? She’s such a Kelli stavast
Getting sodomized on the internet with the ban hammer
Better shape up and be nice or I'm going Full Kelly.
He’s secretly a drug dealer when he says I’m going home he’s actually selling and won’t let people in his man bag he probably where’s Adidas or Nike and sleeps all the time
Friend: let’s go shops
Conour Kelly: nah I’m going home
Then he goes to sell
doesnt know whats up takes peoples fries without asking and goes around with a swilers hoodie and is 780 pounds
wow that pig is a real sam kelly
The cutest, sweetest girl you know who has a sneaky side to her. Not very romantic but her hair smells great.
That girl is an Elizabeth Kelly, looks sweet and all but actually sells weed.
Beware of the Brad Kelly. A muscular creature that stalks the streets of Stoke-on-Trent.
Preys on women and lured them in by calling them a ‘Naughty Dragon’ and ‘Sex Bomb’.
Beware of the Brad Kelly. He is a highly dangerous creature!
Beware of that man! He looks reminds me of that Brad Kelly!