Someone with an asian fetish and also eats sticks.
person 1: why is that person eating sticks with an anime pillow
person 2: oh thats just ken
Ken is a great guy with a really long.... periscope. He likes to watch foxes and fold laundry. You would be lucky to know him because he is really a great guy who understands the value of family, is fun to be around and an excellent conversationalist. Homs has him leveled up and he likes to spoon. Lastly, if you ever get the chance, enjoy a Kencation before your time on earth is over.❤️
He ken spy on the fox or he ken swat fruit flies.
The male equivalent of "Karen". One who is slightly inconvenienced by the most minor things and must make it as big of a problem for others as it is to him.
While the surveyors were working, Ken said "this is private property, please leave".
The male equivalent of a Karen: One who is slightly inconvenienced by the most minor thing and must make it as big of a problem for others as it is for him
While the surveyors were working, Ken said "this is private property, please leave" before calling the police anyway.
male version of karen. u will always find him shopping at home depot. he will always complain if u are trying to reason with his complaining wife. ken has road rage and severe anger issues. he whips his kids with a belt if they don't listen to him.
kens wife:"my kids are in the car listening to kids bop"
ken: also listening to kids bop in the car
“That guy’s name is probably Ken”
“Yeah he’s such an asshole”