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Keyboard Gangster

All Video Game Nerds from 80s till 1999

All keyboard gangsters always on them online games trash talking and always winning

He is the keyboard gangster of mechworrier online

by ToniChong420 February 22, 2019

Keyboard Cancer

When you spam the suggestions at the top of your phone keyboard.

Bro, Harvey sent me a keyboard cancer message at 4am today: Good morning and happy birthday to you and your family and friends are you and your family are you and your family are so happy to have you in the world of happiness and happiness and happiness and happiness and happiness.

by Eggzylofone March 10, 2024

Keyboard Water

When you clean your keys in a bowl of water and there is hair, dirt, and potential chips at the bottom of the bowl. Can be prepared with a side serving of hotdog water.

"You're so keyboard water" the second level of calling someone dog water. It's worse. It's calling someone the musty water from their greasy ass keyboard.

(1)"Check out my keyboard water"

(2)"You're so keyboard water bro"

by Juried March 4, 2021

Keyboard rage

Keyboard rage is usually when a guy gets angry and he started to write spam messages like (u h4v n0 lyf3) or just some meaningless words
Usually slamming their head into the keyboard

Me rekting a bitchass kid
Kid:idyshdjdhbsjdgd(then keyboard explosion)

Kid has left the server(rage quit)

Me:lmao he did a keyboard rage and then ragequitted

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 14, 2019

ducky keyboard

An absolute flex of a keyboard; it is a fact that 34.1% of all PC gamers have ducky keyboard because it clicks cool.

PC gamer: check out the clicking sound of my $100 HyperX x Ducky One 2 Mini Mechanical Gaming Ducky Keyboard!
Me: Wow. That’s a cool HyperX x Ducky One 2 Mini Mechanical Gaming Ducky Keyboard.

by UrmomDictionary December 6, 2020

keyboard cleaning

when you clean the keyboard

bob: watche doin
me: keyboard cleaning
bob: ok
bob: wtf
me: qwertyuiop\
bob: the holy scroogle mcdoodle???
bob: shut up

bob: stop talking

by rat, but this time smarter November 24, 2023

Keyboard Spam

A keyboard spam is when someone smashes random letters on a keyboard (whether it be via mobile, desktop, or otherwise) in an attempt to express themselves. Keyboard spams can be accompanied by coherent words, or left alone.

Someone could keyboard spam for a number of reasons. I, personally, keyboard spam the most when one of my friends says something that makes my brain go "aldhakegievs." But you could also spam out of frustration, excitement, embarrassment, or just pure boredom.

Keyboard spams are mostly seen in online conversations.

Person 1: "Thanks darling. Anytime. :)"
Person 2: "ksvekwhekhsjz WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME"
Person 1: "I called you darling. No need to keyboard spam."

Person 1: "I'm bored."
Person 2: "ofjdkshdk"

by bug boy June 21, 2022