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Dr Pepper kink

Whoever has a Dr Pepper kink is clinically insane and belongs in a mental facility. Dr Pepper is nasty and if u have a kink for it Kys

I hope everyone with a Dr Pepper kink stubs their toe when they wake up

by Lmdueimsans March 6, 2021

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Arse stabbing kink

When someone finds sexual pleasure in getting stabbed in the arse during rough seggsy time.

I have an arse stabbing kink so can Oli london oppar stab me in the arse so i can bust a nut?

by Oliy londons husbando March 15, 2021

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Praise Kink

Where you can’t tell a praise so you have a praise Kink

Milo Dylan Mitchell is a Praise Kink

by Tyler random June 3, 2021

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Jordan Schlansky kink

Somebody who gets sexually excited by the thought of Jordan Schlansky.

Yo bro! I swear I watched Conan O’brien last night and my Jordan Schlansky Kink went crazy.

by Eskils April 4, 2021


It's when you crempie and the jizz runs down into the butthole. Then you lick the jizz out of the butthole.

Hey Dad have you ever Kink-Ta-fy ed Mom?

by SteveGibson May 19, 2017

Kink My Ass

Something to respond when someone says Kinky. May or may not start a relationship.

"She slapped my face"

by Kinkydinkysprinky May 21, 2018


the device that measures the level of kinkiness in a given situation.

JT's comment about the vibrator raised the level on the kink-o-meter beyond the limits of safety.

by Infinity.Syc0 December 30, 2005

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