Its a nice song which you can sing if you are boring.
sing the lagerfeuer lied
Lingo that is used by the rapper LazerDim700, li twan means lil twin but the nigga can't spell for shit.
Max: Asianrock is your beat!
LazerDim700: ay li twan i een fin try fr on dis shyt.
Max: what does li twan mean
Random ATL man: the word li twan means LIL TWIN
1👍 1👎
everyone ever to exist
originally used by lazer dim 700 to refer to his fans
Spin off of the word twin
A nickname created by artist LAZER DIM 700 used to refer to his community and also to refer to himself and really just anybody.
Li twan wigan out in his new album.
lil twin.
used by Rapper LazerDim700.
Lazerdim700: Can’t b sced ta post yo musics li twan