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Abe Stinkin Lincoln

Same as an Abe Lincoln except you use ass hair instead of pubes.

Pam was so tore up from the floor up I thought an Abe Stinkin Lincoln would highlight her facial features more.

by Holy Macro July 9, 2010

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lincoln financial field

where the eagles play

lets go to lincoln financial field and watch the eagles own the giants

by alex14 August 21, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lincoln Park, Michigan

A place near Detroit. Alot of people think just because its near Detroit its "ghetto" but its really not. Its not the nicest place to live, but not ghetto. There are alot of "clones" meaning, alot of people who all look the same or try to. Everyone tries to dress the same way, or look "scene". Alot of kids smoke weed, and dont give a damn what you think of them. Mess with someone there, and MOST LIKELY, they're going to want to fight you.

Girl1 (talking to friends) She's just a slut, and I dont care about her.
---> NEXT DAY <---
Girl2 (talking to Girl1) I heard that you called me a slut ?
Girl1 Yeah, I did.
Girl2 BITCH!

*fight starts*
Lincoln Park, Michigan

by I.Live.In.Lincoln.Park July 27, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Abe Lincoln

V. When one uses their beard in fore-play, in which to tickle the genitalia, top hat optional.

Man, I gave my chick an Abe Lincoln last night...and she is no longer a racist.

by Dread_head08 November 4, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Frosty Lincoln

A frozen beard, vaguely shaped like a sex toy, and smeared with fecal matter. You then use the beard like an accommodater dildo while preforming cunnilingus on a female, who is driving a lincoln

Jim brought his fake beard so jenny could get her hot frosty Lincoln while driving her hot rod Lincoln.

by jspyke March 29, 2009

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The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln

An Abraham Lincoln immediately followed by antiquing. The recipient is then shown a mirror. Their reflection appears to be the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.

Man: Have you ever seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln?

Woman: No. What do you mean?


Woman: Oh my god! It's so nice to meet you Mr. President!

by KrazeeEyezKilla February 3, 2010

Lincoln-Way Central

A building in New Lenox Illinois, who call themselves a school but they really just protect pedofiles and harass the average students.

L-Traz is protecting Anthony Harris but is harassing Gaper. Lincoln-way central.

by #babyscina May 22, 2023