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Market Pose

The poses one takes, in pictures or social media, when they are ready and available to attract mates in the wild. The pose is meant to make them appear socially or sexually available to those that are interested. Females typically pose showing some skin, showing underwear, wearing makeup, reddish lipstick, use photoshop, or a combination of all of that. Males don't have typical behavior that is readily analogous.

Guy: Dang, Jessica Alba is suddenly showing some skin in her pictures!

Girl: Yeah ...kinda slutty if you ask me.

Guy: ...I think I can see part of her bra strap!!!

Girl: That's just her hair...

Guy: Look at those big, red lips! OMG!

Girl: That's photoshopped! This is her market pose ...Are you listening?

Guy: Damn! I didn't know she was single, better hit that UP!

by QuakerOatsMapleBrownSugar May 5, 2013

Pinckney Marketing

Pinckney Marketing is a digital marketing agency that believes marketing doesn't have to follow a straight line. But don't take our word for it, step into their #newoffice and see what they have to offer.

Person 1: "Man I really need to increase my digital presence."
Person 2: "Go to Pinckney Marketing, they'll know what to do!"

by lolithappens October 27, 2022

Expo marketer

The only pens teachers use, commonly used for masturbating (girls) they wipe off quick and easy, and they Are moist...

Mom I’m going to mastrabate, what will you use? An expo marketer

by Dixon Sadi May 16, 2018

Market Mover

When a racehorse defies expectations and changes the odds on the market

Aw ye, just gonna go down to the TAB and put 20 bucks on "Ten Carat", she's a market mover

by melvinb52 March 14, 2019

after-market items

Refers to da usually-overpriced crappy-a** merchandise dat remains unsold subsequent to a gala celebration, holiday-bash, or other one-time/seasonal sales-event; said goodies can often be had for very little or even free, if said products' vendors were just going to toss it in da dumpster or have already done so.

You can often pick up after-market items for next to nothing if they have "gone stale", either because they are actually perishable goods and thus are starting to no longer be saleable after the sales-event is over, or because they are season/event/holiday-related (such as spring-gardening accessories, Independence-Day ephemera, personalized wedding-trinkets, Valentine's Day candy, etc.) and therefore would no longer be of interest to most buyers. If you know a creative way to make use of said sundries, however --- like if you can chop up flashy decorations to use as glitter, re-label imprinted items to use for another purpose, pass out random items as party-favors to open-minded/good-humored folks who don't mind the "invalid-to-the-event" nature of said baubles, etc. --- then by al means, knock yourself out... just be careful that you don't allow said gleeful foraging turn into a free-food fiasco, whereby you gluttonously gorge yourself on all kinds of refined/sugary/salty crap that's been discarded, and which therefore is indeed totally "up for grabs" but would not be healthy to consume in large quantities, especially if you are on a diet to lose weight or otherwise needing to watch your calorie/carb/sodium-intake.

by QuacksO August 13, 2019

Backdoor marketer

A Persina that sells product illegal or behind closed doors

I bought that birking bag from backdoor marketer

by BACKDOOR Marketer July 4, 2023

Paddy’s Market

Personally I’ve only heard my older family members (all Scouse) say this. Not sure on where this variant of the saying originated from but possibly North West England.

It means an area that’s cluttered, or “looks like a bombshell has hit it”.

My ma ripping the house apart on a Saturday afternoon for no reason: IT’S LIKE FUCKIN PADDY’S MARKET IN THIS ROOM!
The one pair of trakky pants sitting on my chair that she’s flipping over:

by Worn Forrest September 5, 2022