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nir va na


A place or state characterized by freedom from or oblivion to pain, worry, and the external world.

Music is where I find my virtual nir va na.

by mhj January 24, 2015

Na clack clack

Soggy, Flappy, saggy, Clapping anus

Dude my anus is like na clack clack... it's so saggy

by Catty meow April 26, 2019

Fa Shizz Na

A sentence variable that can be used as a noun, adjective, or verb that shows excitement, unknown, etc.

Damn dawg... That party was "Fa Shizz Na."

by P.H.A.T. September 2, 2008

Lil nas eggs

A black man that likes eggs

What’s up lil nas eggs

by Fortnight balls coc balls to January 9, 2022

Bolash Na Bebe

Or Bolashnatta (bow-lay-sh NETTA)Can be used in every capacity, in anger, in joy, as a greeting, as an exclamation, as an insult, in surprise, or in pity. You can just use bolash , that one alone works better if you scream it, Na or NETTA can be used in place of someone’s name. The Bebe is for emphasis. BOLASH NA TA BEBE

*shocking thing happens* BOLASH NA BEBE
*someone makes a mistake* bolashhh....
*you see someone you know * NETTA!!

by coylescoochiemops June 21, 2019


an evil spirit haunting the ones who dare to come near its territory till they have been torchured like rats and left to die

it first feed on their fear then ...

no victim has ever survived the vin-na-iak

our exams are vin-na-iaks in disguise brothers , ban exams , shout with me ,BAN EXAMS !!!

by the difinator allmighty June 1, 2021

Lil Nas X

He is the funny Roblox guy from Twitter dot com. He made songs about horses, sandwiches, vampires and santa claus.

I love the Roblox guy, what was his name. Oh yeah, it’s Lil Nas X.
Lil Nas X is my favorite Roblox character.
Lil Nas X

by JotaroStan69420 December 13, 2020

4👍 3👎