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New York Mills


A little town full of polish people.

There is about 500 students in the New York Mills high school.

Students in the school thinks their shit doesn't stink.

People care what you wear to school because all the "popular" kids are up to fashion and can afford things that are secretly on welfare.

there is a lot of racism in the school

50% of the students in school are wiggers and or posers

They have a rivalry between the Notre Dame High School on Burrstone Road every like 5 years or something-but we lost

If you don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend they consider you gay

They are just a small minded group of people

WIGGER KID: yo my fizzle whats up in hizzle
BLACK KID: hey where are you from
WIGGER KID: Im from the New York Mills izzle
BLACK KID: look at your skin color
(wigger kid gets jumped)

by crap cheeks August 23, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Upstate New York

In short, a terrible place. Should be avoided at all costs.

If you ever end up moving to Upstate New York, you will never be able to escape it.

The towns are all small, boring and cold and the cities are nothing to write home about either.

However something about Upstate New York, particularly EXTREME Upstate New York will pull you back in should you ever try to leave for a prolonged period of time.
My parents, like many other unfortunate people who grew up in Upstate New York, actually left and CAME BACK.

Upstate New York will forever be in the shadow of The City, and should you move there you will be invalidated as a person entirely.
If you ever happen to travel, and you tell someone you are from New York you will be forced to endure horrid responses like "OMGZ IZ IT NICE IN DA CITY?" or "D00D I WAz iN NYC LaSt WeEk, itz dA BoMb!!123" even if you try to take preventitive measures such as saying "New York STATE," "UPSTATE New York," or even "RURAL NEW YORK YOU MOTHERFUCKER."

Believe it or not, there are actually places even farther north than Buffalo or Albany.

I personally live within walking distance of the Canadian border.

I would rather just hop across and join the Canadians than deal with another day of being seen as a hideous appendage to The City.

My dream is to get the fuck out as soon as I can, move to another state and NEVER TELL ANYONE WHERE I'M ORIGINALLY FROM.
Unfortunately that will be nearly impossible because SUPRISE, on top of being boring, cold, and ignored, Extreme Upstate New York is also DIRT POOR.
This forces its unfortunate inhabitants to attend crappy local colleges and then later either work at Clinton Correctional Facilities or live IN Clinton Correctional Facilities.

This is partly due to the inevitable drug and alcohol problems these people develop to cope with the pain of living in America's own little third-world country.

Example One:

Poor, unfortunate soul: I grew up in Upstate New York, and saved up all my money from the time I was a kid so someday I could get the fuck out. Unfortunately after leaving and entering the rest of the world I devoloped a slew of mental illnesses because I was never properly trained to live in society. I moved back Upstate.

Example Two:
Kid: Woah, mom, your dashboard says it's -20 degrees outside.
Mom: Yes dear, that's because we're driving through Upstate New York. When we get into Canada, it'll still be this cold, but at least I'll be able to smoke in public.

Example Three:
STUPID Girl on plane: So where are you from?
STUPID Girl on plane: Wow, that's so cool. Can you see the Statue of Liberty from your apartment, or is the Empire State Building blocking your view?

Example Four:
Man: I was going to get out of this place as soon as I could, but things didn't work out, I had to stay in the area for college. Now I work at Clinton Correctional Facilities.

Woman from Anywhere but Upstate, USA: OMG did you meet Tupac?!?

Example Five:

Girl on internet: I live in Massena.
Boy on internet in NYC: Is that like near Ethiopia?

by NarcissismKills July 30, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

new york yankees

the greatest sports franchise known to man, the one and only, the cream of the crop, every boston fan's worst nightmare. witnessing a game in the bronx is better than sex. one might get chills down their spine when the phrase" YANKEE--BASEBALL" is uttered by 52,000 strong during a game in the mecca of sports-yankee stadium.

"what does a hot dog and beer taste like in fenway park during a game in october?"--nobody knows...

by bostonsuckscock February 25, 2004

90๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

upstate new york

Upstate NY.Hmm. Basically anywhere within the borders of the state north of the Bronx. The people there are usually characterized by a lack of overly neurotic, self important, belligerent, paranoid ass-hattedness that plagues those that live within the confines of NYC. Its true.
I now live in SoCal and met a girl from San Diego who was back for a visit. She told me she had been living in NYC for a couple of months and we got to talking. I said "Yeah people in NYC are ass hats"
Then SHE says "Yes WE are quite intimidating".
What a cunt.
She was wearing that "center of the universe" mantle like she'd been poppin' it in the Marcy Projects with Jay-Z 6 hours before she stepped off the mo'fuckin plane.
Thats what IIII'm talkin about.

Hey Hey My My Rock and Roll will never die its better to burn out than fry hey hey my my Upstate New York

by Drunken Mick May 2, 2006

123๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

Warwick, New York

Warwick is a large town in New York. We have cows, apples, bagels, and pizza. That is pretty much it... Oh and we have a lot of people... From preppy school girls and boys to complete tractor - driving- rednecks .

We also have a lot of sports. soccer, skiing, football, lacrosse, basketball... and so many more.

So if you are traveling to Warwick, why not? We have IT ALL

John (From NYC)- What are you doing in Warwick today?
Me- Well today I woke up on my cow and horse farm so I already fed and sang to them! Toady I am going apple picking, then getting a bagel and pizza. Then I am going back to the farm and working there. Later I will go to the drive in with friends!
John- Oh. Fun. I live in New York City.

by KiaKat December 24, 2011

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New York Giants

The best football team ever.

New York Giants won 2011 suberbowl to patriots

by Siege soldiers October 14, 2017

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New York Rangers

A BOSS team that although lost to the devils, are still great. king henrik and captain cally and richards and gaborik lead the way. they haven't lost to the shit flyers since 2011 and can and will beat the caps and islanders any day.

Yo the New York Rangers are boss.

by NYR May 27, 2012

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