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funky breaks

Usually referring to a style of breakbeat music that comes out of Florida. A lot come from Central Florida and the Miami area. These songs contain deep, Miami style bass, some tight vocal stabs, various samples and nonstop highhats. Funky Breaks are generally around 120-125BPM and usually get a club pretty hype. All in all, a dope music style that will make ya wanna clock ya head up-n-down or break out the linoleum and headspin nonstop. Example artists include: DJ Fixx, Sharaz, Baby Anne, DJ Icey, Funk Lab, Malicious Mike, Huda Hudia, PillForm, Momentum, Tony Faline, Eclipse and Rick West.

"Yo, Fixx spins da mad, funky breaks!"

by BeatPhreek September 15, 2005

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breaking luck

a whore's first trick of a working day.

Source is Iceberg Slim's Pimp: The Story of My Life

Bitch, you best be breaking luck by at least 9 fiddy, or I will beat yo ass.

by bobo32 April 28, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake breaking

Bullshitting someone. Not telling the truth, or trying to get someone to believe something bogus.

Don't be fake breaking me.

by laura1212 May 16, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

breaking an atom

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! you mother of oof why did you do that now we all dead because of you. When you are breaking an atom, the you are about to be oofed, because you will you go boom.

When you are breaking an atom, you set off a giant atom bomb, so don't do it.

by I like Obunga January 15, 2019

Breaking at the Wheel

A torture technique that involves tying an accused criminal to a wooden wheel and rolling it on hard, sharp, bumpy surface causing irreversible damage to bones and organs. Sometimes if the person was still alive, an excecutioner would hammer the brain with iron or drop the wheel in a lake. The bodies were often left on display to dismay criminals.

Breaking at the wheel is not a good way to go.

by Anti fandom freedom fighter. November 26, 2016

Brownie break

When you take a brownie in a public bathroom and proceed to eat the brownie near the toilet in a stall with the door open.

Yeah someone walked in on me taking my brownie break.

by Poopcatfart November 22, 2021

winter break

Winter break is the thing that every student looks forward to from the first day of school. When it's close people's brains will just stop working and you will forget about studying, tests, homework, and projects. When winter break is close you can expect your grade to drop as you spend every waking moment counting down the nano-seconds. On the last day of school 75% of your classmates won't even show up and the people who do will spend all day staring at a clock, going on their phones, playing music, and talking to their friends. And what will the teachers do? Well, most will either not make you do anything or have some fun activity planned. Some will just tell you to do any homework, and or missing assignments, a few will just stop caring and let you go on your phone, however, some will treat it as an actual day of school. Those teachers will give you homework, assignments, projects, and stuff to do over break. When school ends the second the clock hits 3:00 PM or 2:00 PM or whatever time your school goes out it will turn into a war zone. Everyone will be bolting for the exit and beating each other to get out the door in anticipation of the great break they are about to have. When you leave your classroom everyone bolts to there lockers and stampedes each other. Then when school ends and winter break is in full swing you don't really do much.

friend 1: Dude you excited for winter break?
Friend 2: fuck yeah, these last five minutes are killing me
*5 minutes later*
friend 1: oh shit, schools over
friend 2: see you in a few weeks

*enters the warzone that is leaving the classroom*
*first day of school back from break*
friend 1: so what did you do over break

friend 2: nothing, how about you
friend 1: same
*both sighs*

by lil 69 December 14, 2019