Constant dozing off and on with no motivation, only getting up to take explosive diarrhea dumps, leaving the mess for the caretaker to clean up.
Your ex-wife stole $35,000 from you? So what, why can't ya just live in peace?
Putting up the peace sign is a way to express ur feeling towards intisar
“Yeah i put the peace sign up cuz i love intisar”
when someone doesn't respond to you, not include you, or just simply forget that you exist, you use this phrase because the person has forgotten about you. Works best when someone doesn't respond to a text message
Over Text Message"
"Hey do you want to go on a date saturday?"
*7 days Laters with no Response*
"Or Peace Me."
Slang for "Peace and Money", also name of a french rap band
what do yo really wish ?
Peace and Lovés my brother!
A clear and concise way of saying "peace the fuck out".
Gonna smoke a black and blueberry blunt and then peace the fuck. The cops rolled the Timmy's so we peaced the fuck.
taking a poop right before an exam to let out out stress
Hey are you ready for this final?
Yeah but I got to take a poop of peace first
A way for gear heads, bikers, grease monkeys and other folks with a wrench in there hand to say good bye. take it easy and keep on wrenchin'. keep it wheel side down.
It was great to see you brother, next time you buy the beers.
peace and grease man.