People on instagram with a extremely high moral code about being PC (politically correct) but just on instagram. Bringing shame to others is their easy way out to justify calling themselves "woke" or just superior to you socially...
In Gen X terms ... Insta police are the Karens of social media... Always calling for the manager and trying to be woke by unnecessarily speaking up again what they think isn't PC
I posted a racist meme ironically and the insta police came for me.
I was sarcastic about my comment throwing shade on the ignorance but the insta police having no sense of humor came for me.
Bruh I posted a song with the n word in it and Karen lost her shit
An over the top, overly aggressive, politically correct in every which way conceivable Human Resources Department that snuffs the heart and soul out of a company.
Bob - Crap, I'm being summoned by the Hemorrhoid Police...
Peter - What'd ya do?
Bob - Ya know that joke the other day about Romney and his magic underwear that showed up in my eMail? Someone looked at it over my shoulder then ratted me out to HR...
A Jesus police is a person of authority who has shot and killed an innocent , unarmed person ..
He don’t even believe in Jesus .. !!
Why’d he call the Jesus police .. ??
Jan: ofjeoifjeoijofkdwpfdpwfpjfijsoiajdjwofijdxdowqjpodj
Grammar PoPo: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis*
Jan: aijdwoijfasodkwfjawois?
Grammar PoPo: antidisestablishmentarianism*
Jan: IJFJSOIisowdoij.
Grammar PoPo: pulchritudinous*
Jan: wfijw?
Grammar PoPo: skidoo*
Jan: ofkewopewjfei!!
Grammar PoPo: incompatibilities*
Grammar PoPo: i am doing what a grammar police does*
Pandemic police are annoying busybodies during Covid-19, who constantly judge and shame people allegedly breaking social distancing rules and buying "non-essential" purchases.
Common targets are single moms going grocery shopping with obviously young children, people walking their dog, old couple going for a walk around their block, siblings playing together on their own backyard, not wearing a mask or gloves, any "non-essential" purchase even if it's with an "essential"purchase. They often either make a snide remark or post a picture of them on Facebook.
These people give no shits about the health and safety of others and just want to use the pandemic as an excuse to bully and belittle people.
Uggh the pandemic police were giving me dirty looks and calling me a bad mom for bringing my 5 year old with me to the grocery store.
Worthless idiots who can't understand the fact that people need to fuel their bodies to stay alive, and thus feel motivated to make asinine comments whenever they see someone eating.
Food Police: OMG you guys are eating THAT?
Normal Person 1: Yes, we're eating dinner. Holy crap, alert the media.
Normal Person 2: *snickers*
Food Police: But don't you know that -
Normal Person 2: What, that people have the right to eat the foods they like, in order to fuel their bodies? We sure do!
Normal Person 1: Exactly. Seems like you're the only one here that's confused.
Food Police: <staggers away, looking absolutely horrified>
a person who usually says "bless you" after hearing someone sneeze. no matter how far away they are, they will tend to shout it, and are usually ignored in the process ):
person: *achoo*
sneeze police: bless you!!
everyone: ...