The supreme radio station in Grant Theft Auto 5.
Franklin: You're listening to Los Santos Rock Radio?
Michael: Fuck yeah
This is a symptom you get when you are too drunk or high to converse with others at a party. When people try to talk to you, you can't focus on the words long enough to make sense of what they are saying. Interacting with others is similar to listening to a radio with a bad connection where you only catch every other word and it sounds very fuzzy. If your radio connection is faulty, you will be very happy and floating on calm seas, but no one will like you because you won't be able to understand what anyone is saying.
Hey man how was the party?
It was chill as fuck man, I had a faulty radio connection after I took a dozen bong rips. I just listened to music and did interpretive dancing in the living room for 5 hours. Everyone got pissed that I wasn't talking to them but.... #worthit.
When a womans nipples become erect under clothes. So that they look like tuning knobs on an old radio.
Nip in the air today, could be a go day for radioing.
Did you see that see was radioing on longwave!
(verb) to tuck one's hair behind one's ear, akin to Debby Ryan in the 2012 teen comedy "Radio Rebel".
"Holy shit did you just radio rebel"
"I love the way he just radio rebelled"
"I find that radio rebelling is the best way to add some punch to a bit"
debby Ryan is the one and only radio rebel. debby already said she's radio rebel, you can say other wise.
a thing that goes beep beep when there's bad weather.
Oh, my weather radio just went off for a tornado near us. let's go chase it.