The female rating scale is a scale ranging from 1 to 10 based on a female's attractiveness. This scale is purely based on looks and does not take into account personality in any way.
Men use this scale to assess how attractive a woman is, usually when describing them to other men. A man will state a number on the scale to describe a woman they saw.
The scale works in this way:
1- Ugly, by all accounts. There is nothing bar plastic surgery that could make you hot. And even that might fail
2- Generally ugly
3- Really, really drunken shag only
4- You're not good looking,but this is generally because something wrong with you, like you're fat or really skinny, have a strange feature or have spots. Potential to get better
5- Average
6- Decent looking, not a head turner and may be overlooked but decent. With make up, appears to be a 7/8 but is really a 6. A 5 can become a 6 with a defining feature (e.g a nice ass)
7- Generally good looking and approachable, most people would see a 7 and try to talk them. A 7 and up does not need make up and has good features
8- Hot, head turner. If you see an 8 you notice them immediately in a room. They have great features all round and most people will find them attractive
9- ππππππππΎππΎππΎ Near perfect... Nearly everyone will agree that they are beautiful. Great face, great body, if a 9 is in the room every single person in the room appreciates that they are beautiful.
10- Your Mrs on her wedding day
I went to Lock 17 bar in London last night and I saw a 9 On the female rating scale, You should have seen her!
Submitted by @MaddaDan
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A slang version of rating the attractiveness of usually a female, but can be used on a male also. 1 being the least attractive number on the scale - 10 being the most attractive number on the scale.
Example: 1." damn! On a scale of 1-10 That girl is a 10! " meaning. The girl is really "hot or sexy" 2. "I would say she is a 7 out of 10. " meaning someone is attractive, but not perfect. 3. "That girl is a 0!" Meaning someone is rudely or jokingly saying that person is so unattractive, they don't belong on the scale as even a 1.
when a musician focuses so much on perfecting every little aspect of a scale that he begins to sound robotic and all the feeling in his/her playing becomes extinct.
person1 "wow, Michael Angelo Batio is such an amazing guitar player!"
person2 "too bad he developed a severe case of stale scale syndrome, poor guy..."
Americans and other somewhat easy-going peoples' grading scale should look a little like this...
A = Good job! Keep up the good work!
B = That's still good. But you can do better.
C = You're that the average level...which is acceptable.
D = Uh oh, you need to step up your game.
F = Well, you failed. Hopefully you can get a better grade later so you can pass.
HOWEVER. This is about the Asian Grading Scale. If you are a true hardcore Asian, unlike myself, then your grading scale should look a little like this...
A+ = Average.
Regular A = Acceptable...But You Can Do Better.
B = BULLSHIT. WTF-Were-You-Doing-In-Class?!?!
D = DEATH. That's it.
F = FUCKED. Wait, no, you can't get an F because you'd already be dead.
Most children will get beaten the shit out of them. Hopefully, that won't be you.
Yesterday I brought home my report card, with a B- for P.E. After all, Asians aren't good at anything not pertaining to academics. Haha just kidding I'm beast at sports. Just not at "participation," an excuse for the non-fit fatties. ANYWAYS, I gave the report card to my mom. She always uses the Asian Grading Scale.
Sad face.
This example was made for humourous people. Please do not take this to heart...unless this happens...then I'm sorry for you. Even my parents are less strict :U
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A scale for determining how well one performed in an online game of Halo 3. This scale is based on an individual's kill-death spread plus half of their assisted kills. This scale was created as a superior alternative to the kill-death spread as a mode of determining performance because of the Trey Sweeney Scale's ability to factor in kills the individual assisted in achieving.
Trey Sweeney had 12 kills and 10 deaths, so his kill-death spread is +2. He had 8 assists, which divided in half is 4. So while normally it would be said he did o.k. with a spread of +2, he actually did really well based on the Trey Sweeney Scale, which rates him at +6. Trey is happier with this because he almost killed several people who were then picked off by some n00b farshotting with a BR.
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Hot crazy-Scale as it is famous from "How I met your mother", a girl can be crazy as long as she is equally hot.
Mark: so what's with that girl Donna you've dated last night?
Barney: Man she playing ping pong on that hot crazy scale! she gave me head under the table then stabbed me with a fork.
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The Kinsey Reports were written in the 1940s and 50s which found that there are more than the presumed 3 levels of sexuality (straight, bisexual, or gay), but that there are a multitude of sexual orientations. The research shocked the general public and the findings caused shock and outrage, both because they challenged conventional beliefs about sexuality and because they discussed subjects that had previously been taboo. The belief that heterosexuality and abstinence were both ethical and statistical norms had never before been seriously challenged.
The Kinsey scale ranked individuals from 0 to 6, with 0 being completely heterosexual and 6 completely homosexual. A 1 was considered predominantly heterosexual with only incidental homosexual experiences, a 2 mostly heterosexual with more serious homosexual experiences, a 3 completely equal homosexual and heterosexual experiences, and so on. Kinsey reported that most American males fell in the 1 to 2 range of the scale and that a large majority appeared to be at least somewhat bisexual (in the 1 to 5 range). The study also reported that 10 percent of American males surveyed were mostly or completely homosexual for at least part of their adult lives (in the 5 to 6 range).
The first report (1948) was written about their research on male sexuality and the second report (1953) was written about female sexuality research. The first report was the most astounding and shocking to the public. By the time the second report was published, Kinsey had lost a lot of respect therefore the research wasn't held with nearly as much regard.
Still today, Kinsey's Sexuality Scale is related to how we identify and helpful for understanding ourselves. It gives us valid scientific research to connect to our emotions and says that they are legitimate.
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