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Britain tried to steal the Tea from India and the British won, creating T-Series!! T-Series is the worst and is winning the war due to SUB BOT!!

T-Series is so T-Gay

by BOBTHEBOT May 6, 2019


Yo, why you searching this weirdo?

T-Series shall not be named

by .--.---. April 2, 2020



Guy 1: You watch T-Series?
Guy 2: Of course not its trash.
Guy 1: Yeah, i agree.

by Subiugetur November 20, 2018

t series

a fat retard that likes to pass out on a date a t series is mosty attracted to a trash can they have no dick or vigina
they lost their virginity to a couch and they averrage iq is 0 but with luck they can get a 1 iq t sereis is a bithc lasgana

fuck t series

by HIHIHHIHhh March 28, 2019


T-series is a group of 9 year old’s that is mad at PewDiePie for finishing Uganda knuckels meme

T-series Is a group of kids that asked the parents to be in a video if they finished their homeworks when they got home

by 9 year old November 22, 2018


An Indian piece of shit company, that for now 20/3-2019 surpassed PewDiePie in subscribers 18 times

Oh my got somebody just took a "T-Series" on my lawn!

by LilCheesy420 March 20, 2019

T series

A bitch lasagna who buys views and makes shit music

Since my videos aren’t getting views Im gonna do a T series.(buy views)

by Water sheep’s reincarnation November 24, 2020